• Looking for skilled flash programmer - the art is done

    Updated: 2010-08-31 13:19:05
    Nice art, it looks like a strategy game.

  • Add Your game

    Updated: 2010-08-31 11:06:20
    The site looks underwhelming. (and white, uck) I wouldn't mind you using my games, but i'd rather not bother signing up for a tiny site like that.

  • Adobe Summit Session slides aggregated

    Updated: 2010-08-31 08:29:00
    : Home Dashboard Csharks Juwal Bose Eldhose P Mathew Game Development Buzz Some info on game development from csharks Resource Entrepreneur resouces Indian Business Steps Roles in a startup Promoting site Building Success Online Reputation Management Online Business Tools Backup Tools Freelancer Resource More Freelance Tools Open Source ToolKit Business e-Books Blog Archive 2010 25 August 4 Adobe Summit Session slides aggregated Hacking SWF Slides Rage 3D FPS on iPhone Video Flash player 10.1 on Droid 2 July 2 CloudCanvas HTML 5 Image editor Optimising flash content for FP 10.1 June 6 What motivates us Tilt gaming fun with iPhone 4 All about Google TV Video Xbox Kinect redefine gaming , once again The all new iPhone 4 intro video Steve Jobs at D8 2010 April 2 Aves HTML5 Game Engine AIR

  • Flight Doodle for iPhone/iPad launches

    Updated: 2010-08-30 18:48:56
    Flight Doodle for iPhone and iPad has been released. Developed by Eyedip, this hot air balloon game merges doodle-style gameplay with customizable balloon craft and colorful atmospheric settings.

  • Making a Game – On Fast Forward

    Updated: 2010-08-30 15:37:56
    Wouldn’t it be cool if we could make a game this fast? But no – this is a time-lapse look at Markus “Minecraft” Persson’s Ludum Dare 18 entry – a “game in a weekend” competition. As with many of the competitors, it’s dang impressive what was accomplished in only 48 hours of development time. The cool thing [...]

  • How can i implement the Mochi Ads without frames?

    Updated: 2010-08-30 14:50:02
    You don't need to handle ad\_failed, ad\_finished is always called even if the ad failed.

  • Would you ever use this site... again?

    Updated: 2010-08-30 14:26:33
    I think GideoVames is a fine name, and the site looks better already. (I don't know if it's been changed or not, maybe I'm just getting used to it) …

  • Game wont start after ad appearance, even if ad clicked

    Updated: 2010-08-29 19:46:30
    Sounds like your SWF file is corrupted or something, it should only exhibit that behavior if the game never finishes loading.

  • Showcase: Flash game development tutorials (as3.0)

    Updated: 2010-08-29 15:30:56
    n tutorials rocks One day convex shapes will rule the world

  • Does the zip file only update when game is approved?

    Updated: 2010-08-29 14:42:58
    Clearing cache worked thank you, now just waiting for approval :)

  • my game doesn't function will after the ads

    Updated: 2010-08-29 06:17:08
    another good idea is to try to not have any code inside a MC. having code inside a MC will cause you to do more work then needed once your project …

  • Sky Jumper, my new game!

    Updated: 2010-08-29 06:03:04
    But wait, when I use device font, there is no embed button. Will you see the right font anyway? Try playmode and see if there is any other fonts at th…

  • Twitter Game Promotions

    Updated: 2010-08-28 15:24:51
    Do we have to have our games on Mochi? I have some non-Mochi games that I'd like to share.

  • [New Game] You MIGHT Get Nervous

    Updated: 2010-08-28 13:03:24
    yeah It's fun, but I didn't know what to do when the third dot appeared.

  • Flash Game Friday Winner: Zombie Exploder!

    Updated: 2010-08-28 02:09:44
    Hi All, The winner of this week's Flash Game is [Zombie Exploder][1] by [Javi Hernandez][2]. I've posted the announcement on [MochiLand][3], and…

  • New ad wrapper

    Updated: 2010-08-27 23:19:43
    Pretty cool I have to say. Whats weird is I was playing a Mochigame, and suddenly the new wrapper was showing when an ad popped up. Just though I s…

  • [First Game][Up for Sponsorship] Pick-Tac-Toe

    Updated: 2010-08-27 17:00:01
    wow it looks like a cool game well done

  • clickAwayAd doesnt show, worked yesterday.

    Updated: 2010-08-27 13:49:04
    Yes it works now! It must have happened something when you did approve it. Yesterday night I sent my problem to your support email, and now 10 min…

  • verifies .html file on php

    Updated: 2010-08-27 10:56:54
    Your server will still run html files. Just upload it as mochi.html.

  • Login Widget / Profile - How to detect click?

    Updated: 2010-08-27 05:56:31
    Does anyone have any sample code for detecting clicks on the login widget and also when it is closed? I don't mean show/hide as that is the widget its…

  • enemy missile follows player

    Updated: 2010-08-27 03:02:30
    also you cut down on the load for your game because it's not calculating every frame for each missile.

  • Free Racing games online

    Updated: 2010-08-27 02:17:08
    Speaking of which, you wouldn't happen to know of a compilation of Flash's various quirks, annoyances, and bugs, would you? I doubt it's out there, b…

  • real 3d flash games?

    Updated: 2010-08-26 20:31:38
    Originally posted by #2applefanboy&mochiwannabe no way!!! you mean it can take a 2d television image and make it 3d by analyzing the picture? a…

  • Dreamwoods - No Game After Advertisement

    Updated: 2010-08-26 16:45:21
    It's been disabled for now. Thanks for the message!

  • 1-5 ms Timer ?

    Updated: 2010-08-26 14:10:18
    that is exactly what I planned to test today , but thanks for confirming its been done before :) .

  • 13 tips for better HTML emails

    Updated: 2010-08-26 10:42:45
    Designing and sending HTML newsletters can be a little tacky sometimes. The output of HTML in email apps is still [...]Download animals vectors --- Post from: Graphic design blog13 tips for better HTML emails

  • Updated game looking for some feedback

    Updated: 2010-08-26 05:26:36
    What I meant about slow-speed, was the starting speed. Because I noticed that the speed power-up carried on throughout the match, and when I came in, …

  • Top Gun 2 released for iPhone

    Updated: 2010-08-25 19:57:46
    Freeverse announced the release of Top Gun 2, the sequel to the popular iPhone game based on the movie. Help contain the threat of encroaching Communists as you aid the USS Enterprise in ridding enemy waters of hostile forces.

  • Level designer needed for platform game

    Updated: 2010-08-25 00:23:13
    We are looking for someone that can do some freelance level designing. Basic Flash and AS2 knowledge required.

  • Live update and your own ads engine

    Updated: 2010-08-24 16:29:29
    Thanks for your answer. While LiveUpdate is a very interesting tool, User Experience is even more important (since it makes the player comes back…

  • Creative HTML5 visual effects

    Updated: 2010-08-24 16:07:51
    I’ve left it rather late but of course I need to play the game! And it’s the last week for voting so if you’d like to see my session at SXSW please vote for me! I’ve never made it to SXSW before so it’d be great to have the chance to attend. I think that [...] Related posts:Simple 3D in HTML5 canvas FITC Hollywood Session – AS3 Particle effects

  • When ends the contest?

    Updated: 2010-08-24 13:49:03
    Thank you Hueter :-) Your game is extremly nice.. I would have thought that your game is on the first place :-/

  • Looking for simple, easy to play games.

    Updated: 2010-08-24 13:30:33
    feel free to host any of my games.

  • Hacking SWF - Slides

    Updated: 2010-08-24 08:40:00
    : Home Dashboard Csharks Juwal Bose Eldhose P Mathew Game Development Buzz Some info on game development from csharks Resource Entrepreneur resouces Indian Business Steps Roles in a startup Promoting site Building Success Online Reputation Management Online Business Tools Backup Tools Freelancer Resource More Freelance Tools Open Source ToolKit Business e-Books Blog Archive 2010 25 August 4 Adobe Summit Session slides aggregated Hacking SWF Slides Rage 3D FPS on iPhone Video Flash player 10.1 on Droid 2 July 2 CloudCanvas HTML 5 Image editor Optimising flash content for FP 10.1 June 6 What motivates us Tilt gaming fun with iPhone 4 All about Google TV Video Xbox Kinect redefine gaming , once again The all new iPhone 4 intro video Steve Jobs at D8 2010 April 2 Aves HTML5 Game Engine AIR

  • New Portal BrainGamez.net

    Updated: 2010-08-23 16:44:25
    Good point. I made the featured game table smaller and moved it to below the popular games table.

  • Mochicoins and Free items

    Updated: 2010-08-23 10:41:54
    The idea is to have your own in-game currency that you can do whatever you want with. Then in your store you can sell your currency bundles in exchan…

  • starting point on spawning enemy

    Updated: 2010-08-23 02:58:53
    I would recommend putting the weapon initiation in the Enemy class, and also your first "root"s should be _root. In the weapon class, all you shoul…

  • Graphic package for sale - mechanical survival shooter

    Updated: 2010-08-23 02:04:25
    About the price: 500 negotiable. Thanks :)

  • Where to go from here?

    Updated: 2010-08-22 20:38:22
    I've seen some demos of sky boxes with a few animated 3D objects... I think it's do-able. mgrecar said it well, though. I will post my progress here…

  • Make a Game Too Fun, and Get Sued!

    Updated: 2010-08-21 18:31:38
    Ah, America. Used to be the land of the free and the home of the brave. Now it’s the land of the entitled and the home of people who don’t want to take responsibility. So apparently, if you are a loser who can’t get a life and instead spend all your waking hours playing MMOs, you [...]

  • external sound problem in as3

    Updated: 2010-08-21 03:31:29
    First result on google (http://www.judahfrangipane.com/blog/?p=87) gives two options, the url is wrong (or file ain't there), or security problem.

  • BBC Open Sources MHEG+ Toolkit

    Updated: 2010-08-20 17:04:57
    Some very good news for all the MHEG developers out there, the BBC have this week open sourced the MHEG+ toolkit and it can be downloaded over at the MHEG+ SourceForge page. The release comes with little in the way of tutorials and so it might all seem a little daunting at first. But having [...]

  • Envato Birthday Bundle 2010 Giveaway [Updated]

    Updated: 2010-08-20 14:34:17
    If you haven’t heard, Envato, the company behind AppStorm, is turning four and in celebration has released the 2010 Birthday Bundle. As if $400 worth of files for $20 wasn’t an amazing enough deal, we’re giving away five bundles! Read on for giveaway entry details. [Updated] Winners have been selected! Congrats to amrnt, urbenkeach, samdownie, jonjomckay [...]

  • ThinVNC – HTML5 Remote Desktop

    Updated: 2010-08-19 14:50:35
    Wo Ho, yet another case for Chrome OS. Who needs to install applications when you have got a browser. Now it is possible to have a Remote Desktop connection from within browsers, thanks to HTML5 Canvas. ThinVNC is pure-web Remote Desktop solution. The remote computer can be accessed from any OS platform through any HTML5 [...]

  • Innovative Citi iAd

    Updated: 2010-08-19 14:25:24
    Steve Jobs introduced iAds with much fanfare touting the emotional aspects of this as against the plain and boring link ads provided by others (who else but Google – those links are clinging on the web every place they can find including this site). And just to tell you why are WE posting this. The [...]

  • Canvas without HTML5?

    Updated: 2010-08-19 14:10:56
    Well Canvas is a part of HTML5, but do we need HTML5 to get a canvas like behavior. Well may be not. We could simulate the canvas behavior with DIV tags. A little bit of Javascript help and we are good to go. And it works on Internet Explorer as well (sort of). In a [...]

  • Envato Birthday Bundle 2010

    Updated: 2010-08-19 04:55:58
    Envato, the company behind AppStorm, is turning four! To celebrate we’ve just released our Birthday Bundle for 2010 and it’s even more MASSIVE than last year! What do you get? Over $400 of Envato Marketplace files including WordPress themes, graphics, audio, video and more! $50 of hosting from MediaTemple A $10 discount on any RockablePress book How much does it [...]

  • HTML5 3D the future of mobile web browsing

    Updated: 2010-08-19 01:43:19
    We have written countless number of posts about the possibilities with HTML5 and we keep amazing overselves, whenever we come across newer innovative applications. And today, we are taking a look at changing the way we browse the web, that is a deviation from click a link to reload a page. And all this with [...]

  • 10 Fabulous Online Sports Games

    Updated: 2010-08-18 23:20:32
    Still missing the World Cup South Africa 2010? Is the PGA Tour Season over? We’ve rounded up 10 of the funnest and best web-based sports games to help take your mind off your favorite sporting events until next season. 1. Hattrick Hattrick is a web based online soccer manager game where you Lineup your matches, Trade players, [...]

  • Examples on how to Optimise your Homepage! Intermediate SEO – new series!

    Updated: 2010-08-17 06:06:52
    Hello one and all, good to be back and provide more info that can hopefully help you all out!  This is the next series of Blog posts that this kind Blog owner has agreed to host for me.  Now I don’t want to get into anything advanced right away, so I want to provide info [...]

  • Solipskier

    Updated: 2010-08-17 03:22:14
    “Ski In The Summer!” An awesome skiing game, draw the slopes / ramps / ground for your skiier as you rack up combos and points. You can even launch him into the sky to collect stars!

  • Chaos Invaders released!

    Updated: 2010-08-17 03:18:12
    From Bit Battalion by Sash on August 15, 2010 04:07 AM There comes a time each year after about a month of slaving in front of your computer and seeing far too little of the world in general, where you get to announce a new game. Now is that time. I’m officially [...]

  • Mochi Wants to Translate Your Game!

    Updated: 2010-08-17 03:13:14
    By MochiLand by Colin Cupp on August 16, 2010 08:50 PM Mochi Wants To Translate Your Game For The Chinese Market As a result of our recent acquisition by Shanda Games (one of China’s largest gaming companies), Mochi Media is offering developers the opportunity to localize and translate your game for the China market. [...]

  • 15 Simple Ways to Integrate Facebook into Your Website

    Updated: 2010-08-16 21:53:47
    Mahatma Gandhi once said, “First they ignore you, then they laugh at you, then they fight you, then you win”. Facebook stands as the contemporary example that proves the quote so right. When Myspace was at the top people ignored Facebook, then they laughed at their ambitious plans to become a platform, they fought against [...]

  • Quick Look: Intervals

    Updated: 2010-08-16 19:17:50
    Quick Look posts are paid submissions offering only a brief overview of an app. Vote in the polls below if you think this app is worth an in-depth AppStorm review! In this Quick Look, we’re highlighting Intervals. Here’s how the developer has described Intervals. Intervals is web-based project management software that marries time tracking and task management [...]

  • 8 useful recipes to improve your WordPress theme

    Updated: 2010-08-16 12:59:26
    Blog engine or CMS, call it whatever you want but WordPress is a great tool for web designers. It just [...]Download animals vectors --- Post from: Graphic design blog8 useful recipes to improve your WordPress theme

  • Jesse Venbrux’s new game: Enlightenment

    Updated: 2010-08-16 07:54:37
    By IndieGames Blog Enlightenment is a new experimental project created by the developer of the Karoshi series, where players who participate in it can leave a trail of words for subsequent visitors to follow or build on top of it. Each white orb that you collect increases your ability to write longer words, and [...]

  • GameStop buys Kongregate

    Updated: 2010-08-16 07:51:53
    John Funk | 27 Jul 2010 7:45 am Brick-and-mortar kingpin GameStop has taken a decidedly non-brick-and-mortar turn with the purchase of online social gaming mecca Kongregate. When you think of GameStop, you think of a massive chain of videogame retail stores across North America – the sort of place one would, say, have a midnight launch [...]

  • Epic War 4

    Updated: 2010-08-16 05:21:14
    “Not your ordinary Epic War” Usually when you see massive monsters duking it out, it’s from a Godzilla or King Kong flick. But in Epic War 4, colossal monsters can be summoned to conquer nearby kingdoms.

  • Rage 3D FPS on iPhone Video

    Updated: 2010-08-13 05:50:00
    : Home Dashboard Csharks Juwal Bose Eldhose P Mathew Game Development Buzz Some info on game development from csharks Resource Entrepreneur resouces Indian Business Steps Roles in a startup Promoting site Building Success Online Reputation Management Online Business Tools Backup Tools Freelancer Resource More Freelance Tools Open Source ToolKit Business e-Books Blog Archive 2010 25 August 4 Adobe Summit Session slides aggregated Hacking SWF Slides Rage 3D FPS on iPhone Video Flash player 10.1 on Droid 2 July 2 CloudCanvas HTML 5 Image editor Optimising flash content for FP 10.1 June 6 What motivates us Tilt gaming fun with iPhone 4 All about Google TV Video Xbox Kinect redefine gaming , once again The all new iPhone 4 intro video Steve Jobs at D8 2010 April 2 Aves HTML5 Game Engine AIR

  • Flash player 10.1 on Droid 2

    Updated: 2010-08-11 05:06:00
    : Home Dashboard Csharks Juwal Bose Eldhose P Mathew Game Development Buzz Some info on game development from csharks Resource Entrepreneur resouces Indian Business Steps Roles in a startup Promoting site Building Success Online Reputation Management Online Business Tools Backup Tools Freelancer Resource More Freelance Tools Open Source ToolKit Business e-Books Blog Archive 2010 25 August 4 Adobe Summit Session slides aggregated Hacking SWF Slides Rage 3D FPS on iPhone Video Flash player 10.1 on Droid 2 July 2 CloudCanvas HTML 5 Image editor Optimising flash content for FP 10.1 June 6 What motivates us Tilt gaming fun with iPhone 4 All about Google TV Video Xbox Kinect redefine gaming , once again The all new iPhone 4 intro video Steve Jobs at D8 2010 April 2 Aves HTML5 Game Engine AIR

  • How to debug AIR for Android

    Updated: 2010-08-08 20:54:00
    At first, it seemed like no matter what I did I’d just get the Enter IP Address or Hostname requester in my AIR app. So, to get rid of this dreaded requester once and for all follow my handy debugging AIR Android checklist! If you’re new to Air for Android I’d recommend checking Lee Brimelow’s [...] Related posts:AIR for Android first steps

  • 20 amazing digital artists you should know

    Updated: 2010-08-06 16:07:26
    Most graphic and web designers have a fairly good knowledge of Photoshop or other image creation tools. However, some people [...]Download animals vectors --- Post from: Graphic design blog20 amazing digital artists you should know

  • Windows Phone 7 HTML5 – Not yet!

    Updated: 2010-08-05 17:16:45
    Microsoft has confirmed that it has not plans of supporting HTML5 in their upcoming mobile phone OS, Windows Phone 7 or just WP7. The browser in WP7 is a hybrid of IE7 and IE8, implying no HTML5 functionality. Microsoft earlier had trouble getting to terms with HTML5, but eventually came on board and implemented HTML5 [...]

  • 3 Best Firefox Add-Ons for Facebook

    Updated: 2010-08-05 06:39:59
    World’s largest social networking site: Facebook is enhancing its growth rapidly with no of new applications, firefox  add-ons and so on. I have picked up three useful firefox add-ons for facebook. Facebook Toolbar Block Ads : Adblock Plus Like Button For Firefox Facebook Toolbar This add-ons will help you to access your Facebook account with [...]

  • Diagramo – An HTML5 diagram editor

    Updated: 2010-08-04 18:47:28
    Meaningful applications with HTML5 are coming up thick and fast. Highly interactive web applications that replace the need for desktop programs are now beginning to become a reality. Diagramo is one such application, which allows to make diagrams and flowcharts from within a web browser. Diagramo is released as a public beta, allowing to create, [...]

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